Here is a sample rug token (CA: 6oEkKhW6yvs64oNPjaj4oQZZjBrKUt9X5BnBfNQHTfzp) which is enabled with a blacklist authority that can freeze accounts, scanned by GMGN, a well-known MEME coin tracking tool on Solana. This tool can help you avoid buying rug pull tokens. Screen shot as below.

How to check rug pull token?

Search token address on GMGN.AI , Honeypot Alert and Rug pull history will show.



When holders tried to sell this token, they will find they can't sell it!! Error info on solscan shows like Program Error "Instruction #4 Failed - Account is frozen".


How to check when the rug pull dev froze your count?

  1. Click your wallet account on this token, wallet status shows "Frozen" meaning you are banned. You cannot transfer and sell this token anymore!

  2. Scan the last confirm successfully transaction


  1. Then you will find the rug pull dev called FreezeAccount function to ban you!!
